Balnik Village

Balnik village is a travel hub for wanderers passing on the road from south to north on the West side of the Shaking Peak. Balnik has been village hub for many travellers from 600 years. Once it had been really big town, but in the last 200 years, since the Garog Battle near The Shaking peak, Balnik has remained just a small hub with a couple of inns and houses. Once upon a time it was a big hub for trade and for gathering of different soldiers and divisions of The Light Forces of the Magichaals.

The legend says that on the rock seen on the art below (in perspective-near the road and the little tower next to the rock) once upon a time there was a dragon nest which was one of the many dragon nests around The Shaking Peakarea.
That's why on the main doors of the inns in Balnik it is written ‘Dragon shall save your nest’


Balnik village ink and color pencil art by Hristo Hvoynev- ATC arts or ACEO card
Balnik village art print.