With each order you make on ExiArts website you will help to plant at least 3 trees! We will donate a sum from your purchase to plant three trees to the Bulgarian Foundation 77. .
We will leave a monthly report for the donated money in our Monthly Report blog section on the website.
1. If your order is for up to $50 we will donate for planting 3 trees.
2.Make an order for $51 to $99 and we will donate for planting 7 trees!
3. If you place an order from $100 up to $199 you will help us to donate money for planting 14 trees to the Foundation 77.
4. If you purchase more than $200 in goodies you will help us to donate money to plant a record 30 trees!
5. Order crafts or arts for more than $400 and we will donate to plant 45 trees!
6. From wholesale orders and from people who order for more than $600 we will donate for planting 101 trees! Of course if anyone makes a bigger purchase we will plant even more trees and share it on our Blog.
The Foundation 77 says that for each about 0.40 euro cents donated to them they plant one tree. They require to donate in euro this is why I donate in euro.
We will email you a certifivate of authenticity for the donation for planting trees on behalf of your order.
You can check Foundation 77 website at the link below:
Unfortunately their website does not have English translation but you can use Google page translator ( or online Google translator) to read more about them and their campaigns.
Until November 2022 the foundation has planted more than 2 250 000 trees now. Many volunteers help them in their planting campaign.
ExiArts wants to help them together with you through donations from your orders as donations are their only source of money to make planting campaigns.
If you need to ask us something about ExiArts' Plant a tree campaign or about Foundation 77 please contact us at the link below:
One of the aims of the Foundation 77 is as quoted:
'This is a pure initiative from the people for the people, which aims to plant new forests and trees for Bulgaria!
Our goal is also to leave a better planet for our children and better children for our planet!'
Hristo Hvoynev