Monthly Report for donation for trees and statistics of ExiArts website for October 2023

Hristo Hvoynev | 13 November, 2023

            Monthly Report for donation for trees and statistics of ExiArts website for October 2023

Hello, fans of arts and crafts from all around the world!
My name is Hristo Hvoynev and I am an artist and an artisan who runs this website and also some friends of mine are members of the website like photographers and artisans who offer their products for sale on ExiArt together with me.
I created my brand ExiArts back in 2013 when I opened a shop on Etsy and I tarted selling my art and my handmade crafts there. Since April 2021 I have my own website- the very website you read this Blog article on now- and I also help some friends of mine to offer their products on this website. 


 With each order you make on ExiArts website you will help to plant at least one tree! We will donate a sum from your purchase to plant one tree with the Bulgarian Foundation 77🌳.🌲.

We will leave a monthly report for the donated money in our Monthly Report blog section on the website.

1. If your order is for up to $50 we will donate for planting 3 trees.

2.Make an order for $51 to $99 and we will donate for planting 7 trees!

3. If you place an order from $100 up to $199 you will help us to donate money for planting 14 trees to the Foundation 77.

4. If you purchase more than $200 in goodies you will help us to donate money to plant a record 30 trees!

5. Order crafts or arts for more than $400 and we will donate to plant 45 trees! 🌳🌲

6. From wholesale orders and from people who order for more than $600 we will donate for planting 101 trees! Of course if anyone makes a bigger purchase we will plant even more trees and share it on our Blog.

This foundation says that for each about 0.40 euro cents  donated to them they plant one tree. They require to donate in euro this is why I donate in euro.

 So this report is for October 2023. In that month we had zero sales on the website. Check the screenshot from ExiArts website statistics below: 

Number of orders on ExiArts website in October 2023- we had zero orders in this month

But as I have a tradition to donate for planting for at least 15 trees even when we do not have sales I made a donation of 5.45 euros to the Foundation 77 via PayPal ( see the screenshot below ).

The donation of 5.45 euros that ExiArts website made for planting trees for October 2023

Five euro- as the foundation states- are enough to plant 15 trees. I also pay 0.45 euro cents to cover the PayPal fees for the Foundation.

I also want to share with you some of the other statistisc of ExiArts website for October 2023. For the whole month people visited the website 568 times- this means that many people made 568 visits of different pages- most probably some of these people visited multiple pages in different sessions. 


568 sessions were made on ExiArts website in October 2023- this means that people visited 568 pages of the website
Next screenshot is the one for the sessions by traffic sourse- good news for ExiArts is that the most of the traffic comes from organic search results from Google. I plan to start addvertising campaign on Google in early 2024. For this goal my cousin Tsonka Mitova from my birth town of Smolyan, Bulgaria is helping me to make a website optimisation. She started her research and optimisation process of ExiArts website this past Tuesday.
I hope this will bring much success to my website in the coming months. Please hold your thumbs for ExiArts and for me and my friends! :))) 
Sessions by traffic source on ExiArts website for October 3032

If you would like to support our donating campaign

for planting trees or if you like to support me and my friends as artists and artisans please browse our products and you might want to make an order:

Please feel free to ask me any questions and you can use the Contact form from the main navigation menu on the top of any page on ExiArts website or also you can email me at:

Thank you for reading my blog and for supporting ExiArts handmade and eco-friendly small business!

Hristo Hvoynev


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