Monthly Report for donating for trees for March 2024

Hristo Hvoynev | 19 May, 2024

            Monthly Report for donating for trees for March 2024

Hi, Folks,

It is time for me to write the Monthly Report for transparency and for donations for planting trees from all orders during March 2024. From each order that someone of you makes on ExiArts website Shop I donate for planting trees depending on your order value:

1. If your order is for up to $50 we will donate for planting 3 trees.

2.Make an order for $51 to $99 and we will donate for planting 7 trees!

3. If you place an order from $100 up to $199 you will help us to donate money for planting 14 trees to the Foundation 77.

4. If you purchase more than $200 in goodies you will help us to donate money to plant a record 30 trees!

5. Order crafts or arts for more than $400 and we will donate to plant 45 trees! 🌳🌲

6. From wholesale orders and from people who order for more than $600 we will donate for planting 101 trees! Of course, if anyone makes a bigger purchase we will plant even more trees and share it on our Blog.

The Foundation 77 says that for each about 0.40 euro cents donated to them, they plant one tree. They require us to donate in euros this is why I donate in euros.

 Back in March 2024, ExiArts website had 4 orders- 2 orders for under $50 and 2 orders for under $100. Thank you so much ladies, and gentlemen for your orders and for supporting ExiArts, handmade and eco-friendly products! ❤️❤️

As per the rules of my Plant a tree campaign I donated for planting 20 trees. 2 orders by 7 trees and 2 orders by 3 trees.

As always I donated the money for planting 20 trees ( about 10 euros ) to the Bulgarian Foundation 77 ( ).  Below you can see the screenshot of my unique transaction of the donation for planting trees.

The unique transaction for my donation for planting trees from orders on ExiArts website for March 2024
The screenshot below shows you the total number of orders on the ExiArts website for March 2024- 4 orders altogether.
Total number of orders on ExiArts website for March 2024- 4 orders
The next screenshot shows the total revenue in USD- $167.75 for the same month.
Total revenue from 4 orders on March 2024 on ExiArts website Shop


Thank you so much for supporting me and my family on my social media sites and also for visiting my website! Be blessed, Folks!

If you like to support us you might consider to make an order on our Shop.

Kind regards,

Hristo Hvoynev 

ExiArts 2023

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