Hello, fans of ExiArts and also fans of crafts and arts worldwide!
It is Hristo Hvoynev writing- the founder of ExiArts and the artist and craftsman behind this website. Of course we have two other artist and artisan members on this website whose crafts and photography you can find on our Shop section.
Every month of the year I make a Monthly Report about our website statistics and also about the number of sales and the number of trees to be planted as our customers have helped us donate a portion from their orders as per our Plant a tree campaign.
In December 2022 we had one order of $307 made by one of my loyal customers from Austria- Lena Koppenshteiner.
According to our Plant a tree campaign for the sum of $307 the following rule is active:
'4. If you purchase more than $200 in goodies you will help us to donate money to plant a record 20 trees!'
And since the sum is more than 300 dollars I wanted to donate 15 Euro to the Foundation 77 which have planted more than 2 million trees across Bulgaria now. This sum is enough to plan more than 40 trees! I want to say huge THANK YOU to Lena for her order and for her support to myself as an artist and a craftsman and most of all to THANK HER for being a pro-active consumer of eco-friendly arts and crafts en thus helping to plant more than 40 trees with her order, and so far with all of her orders she has helped to plant more than 120 trees now!
Below you can see the screenshot I made for the unique transaction to the Foundation 77.
In December 2022 ExiArts Website had 685 traffic sessions which were exactly 642 unique visitors- many of them were some of you that read the article now. :))
Below you can check the screenshot of the statistics for the traffic sessions by sourse on our website. It is interesting to note that we had 154% more traffic from Facebook compared to the month of October 2022. Thank you all for visiting our website and for spreading the word about ExiArts to your friends online! Your support is amaziong and we are grateful to have you besides us!
Thank you so much for visiting our Blog and our website and for reading this Blog article!! 💓💓
If you need to ask us any questions you can use the Contact form from the main navigation menu on the top of any page on ExiArts website or you can email us:
Thank you so much, Folks- for being supporters of ExiArts website and for supporting handmade and eco-friendly gifts and arts! 💓
Hristo Hvoynev