Hello Folks,
For those of you who do not know ExiArts is a handmade and eco-friendly company from Bulgaria and we make a Monthly Report for transparency of the orders that people make on our website and as well as for the donations for planting trees we have made in the given Month thanks to our customers' orders.
You can read more about our Plant A Tree Campaign here.
This article is the Monthly Report for the Month of March 2022. In March we had 0 orders. This already rarely happens but as out website recently had its 1st Birtdhay ( 29th of April 2022 ) and it is still new to Google ranking and also not many people have discovered us yet sometime we have 0 orders for the Month. This does not discourage us to continue ahead. Every beginning is hard and slow but with consistency dreams happen! In February we had some sales also in April so we will keep going!
Here is the screenshot from the orders statistics for ExiArts website fro March 2022:
When our website does not have orders in the given Month I have stated in August 2021 ( or in September, I am not sure actually ) that every time when there is such a Month I will donate 5 Euros for planting trees anyway- I made this a tradition. Hopefully ExiArts will have orders every Month in the future.
Below I post a picture from the unique transaction to the Foundation 77.
5 Euros are enough for planting 15 trees as stated on the Foundation 77 ebsite.
For planting trees- please browse our products and you might want to make an order for some craft or art from which order we will donate for planting at least one tree.
Feel free to ask us questions. You can use the Contact form from the main navigation menu on the top of any page on ExiArts website or also you can email us at:
Thank you for reading my articles and for supporting ExiArts handmade and eco-friendly products! 💓
Hristo Hvoynev