Hello fans of Exirts,
For those of you who do not know ExiArts is a handmade and eco-friendly company from Bulgaria and we make a Monthly Report for transparency of the orders that people make on our website and as well as for the donations for planting trees we have made in the given Month thanks to our customers' orders.
You can read more about our Plant A Tree Campaign here.
As I am working daily job I do not have enough time to post my Monthly Reports on time. In the last year and a bit more since the website is opened I see slightly increase in traffic and sometimes in sales. I will wait some more months to see what will happen. The good news is the last months the Search results for the website are growing with 15 to 30% and in the end of April I had the 4th sale that was due to search result.
This means Google is giving me more rating and more traffic in the last months. This is a good sign that I might be able to sustain myself with my website and crafting and arts until the end of the year. I hope so, this is my dream!
I remember when I started selling on Etsy in 2013 it took about a year and 6 months for me to sustain myself from only working crafting and arts so I am encouraged that soon enough my website will be my full time job!
Well, I made the donation for planting trees for April on 19th of May. I donated 5 Euros which is enough to cover the needed to be donated for planting for the 4 orders that ExiArts website had during April 2022.
April was a great month in terms of revenue but my profit is still not covering the expenditures most of the months. Anyway some of my loyal customers and online friends do encourage me to continue and also they support me with orders whenever they can! Thank you all for your grande support! I love you all!! :)))
If you make an order of any craft or art on our website you will help us donate for planting at least one tree. Below is the link to all of our collections of crafts and arts:
Feel free to ask us questions. You can use the Contact form from the main navigation menu on the top of any page on ExiArts website or also you can email us at:
Thank you for being supporters of ExiArts website and for supporting handmade and eco-friendly gifts and arts! 💓
Hristo Hvoynev